My Termux journey

· ghodawalaaman's blog

So I had a friend who was way into hacking and cyber security stuff. He was doing hacking using Termux. He suggested me to use termux for learning basics of bash and linux command line. So I started playing with termux.

What I did in Termux? #

Since I am familiar with commnad line already using termux wasn't that hard for me. I played with it for a while. I also intalled some distros using proot-distro command. It was fun! The command line stuff worked as expected no exception at all.

Gitea server #

I was browsing mastodon and I found a post in which a person was hosting a gitea server in termux. I was amused. I though I can also have my own git server in my poket. I installed the gitea package using pkg install gitea and just ran gitea command and the gitea service was running on port 3000.

Other services #

you can run any service like nextclound, minecraft server etc. Possiblities are endless. I might host some other services too in the future.

Programing in Termux #

I saw many people doing programing in Termux. You can install almost any languages's compiler or interpreter in Termux. So to start with programing you just have to chose the language you want to code in and download the compiler and your favourite text editor.

Why I don't use Termux for programing? #

I have a android device with a tiny screen and I can't program in device having that size and resolution. I also don't have a wireless keyboard to type efficiently. So programing in Termux is no for me.